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Pastor training courses.
BTCP offers comprehensive Bible training programs for Pastors (BTCP) and Church leaders (BTCL).
Our Mission:
To extend comprehensive theological training to the world’s untrained pastors and church leaders.
Our Method:
A life-on-life concept and a biblically sound, time tested curriculum.
The Bible is our main textbook (see 2 Timothy 3:15-17), along with 10 essential courses, which also become a resource library for the pastor in his ministry:
Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation
Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Preaching Biblical Messages and Pastoral Ministry
Bible Doctrine Survey
Personal Spiritual Life
Church Ministry/Administration/Education
Teaching Principles and Methods
Church History Survey
We want our graduates to have a biblical and theological frame of reference as a grid for life and ministry.
Mission Statement:
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